CPS Assesses Pet Food Containers for Suffocation Risks

Prevent Pet Suffocation has received many reports from devastated pet owners over the years of pets, primarily cats, getting trapped and suffocating in plastic containers designed to hold pet food and/or pet litter.

Prevent Pet Suffocation teamed up with Center for Pet Safety (CPS) to determine if there are pet food/pet litter containers on the market that reduced or eliminated the possibility of suffocation-related deaths.

Center for Pet Safety, a 501(c)(3) research and consumer advocacy organization dedicated to consumer and companion animal safety, examined five styles of containers marketed for pet food storage (they can also be used to store pet litter). Please click on the link below to read the report summary detailing the containers tested and the container style that was found to significantly reduce the chance of container-related suffocation events.

By bringing more awareness to the pet suffocation risks of these types of containers, we hope to help owners keep their pets safer from suffocation risks they may not be aware of.

CPS REPORT: https://www.centerforpetsafety.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/Pet-Food-Container-Evaluation_CenterforPetSafety_2025.pdf

CPS PRESS RELEASE: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/792445893/center-for-pet-safety-assesses-pet-food-containers-for-suffocation-risks-in-alliance-with-prevent-pet-suffocation

Prevent Pet Suffocation is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible.
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