Close Call for This Pup!

This story has a happy ending! BUT, it was a close call for sweet Fiera, a Siberian Husky puppy, who almost suffocated in this large water bottle in March. Lyz Murray writes, “Hi! I had a terrible close call last night and was recommended to this page after posting about it. My 4 1/2 month old pup got her head stuck in this and immediately lost circulation and oxygen. I was luckily right there when it happened and got her unstuck in time but I just want to warn others about it.🥺”

In addition to food bags, all types of containers can pose pet suffocation risks. We urge all pet owners to be vigilant about anything in your home, vehicle, or yard that can be a safety hazard to your pets. Please share!

Prevent Pet Suffocation is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible.
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