It’s National Rescue Dog Day!

It’s National Rescue Dog Day! 🐶⁣

⁣National Rescue Dog Day was founded to bring awareness to the countless number of amazing dogs in shelters waiting to be adopted, to educate young children about animals, and to encourage spaying and neutering of pets.⁣ Rescue dogs often overcome extreme circumstances, and yet they often provide comfort, security, love, and friendship as devoted family pets.⁣

⁣Sadie, the Golden Retriever in the photo, was rescued by the Dacus family after they lost their beloved Yellow Lab to pet suffocation in 2020. Sadie has helped the family heal and brought lots of smiles and laughter.  A simple act of adoption has enriched both of their lives.⁣

⁣How can you get involved today? Here’s a list from⁣

⁣🐶 ADOPT: If there is room in your life for a dog, consider adoption and giving one a forever home.⁣

🐶 FOSTER: Many dogs abandoned to shelters benefit from socialization or would just thrive better outside of a shelter environment. Others may be in need of some medical care or rehabilitation in a home setting before an adoption can take place.⁣

⁣🐶 DONATE: Shelters always need donations. In addition to financial donations, shelters have a list of much needed items such as blankets, toys, treats, and leashes.⁣

⁣🐶 VOLUNTEER: Help out at your local shelter. Taking dogs for walks, grooming them, and giving them plenty of affection improves their socialization.⁣

⁣🐶 SPAY/NEUTER: Be responsible for your pets. Overpopulation is the number one reason shelters exist.⁣

⁣Visit for more information!

Prevent Pet Suffocation is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible.
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